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Re: [XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

xNeroX wrote:The scramble button was an idea i had where you would pre-program a fleet launch and hit the scramble button to launch it. It was a bit ambitious and throws up error messages. I think its the &fleetused= POST data on the /floten3.php page that's stopping it - it looks like base64 but i cant decode it. I haven't done any work on this lately, but i'll focus on it again due to the renewed interest.

As for pre .NET it shouldn't be a problem to convert it. Having said that, i'm surprised that you got that error message - i thought i included the dependancies, i may have needed to include the dll's?
Its encoded for a reason. We don't want to allow such ease to the game as this would create a severe advantage to such tool users. You must not incorporate this to your menu. Perhaps only to the point where it auto inputs the ships into the fleet page ;)

I have not got any .NET errors but I think I have downloaded something related to it recently.

Any plans to release this for other universes too ?

Re: [XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

xNeroX wrote:Fair enough ill leave that out, the autofill you suggested would do the trick and would be a lot easier to program.

As for other universes i only really play speed - but it will probably be as simple as changing the subdomain as links look all the same.
Yes, just the subdomain.

For x-treme it is
For Standard it is
For Speed
For Massacre

Re: [XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

I don't know if this may help you with your scramble button but I'll say it anyway.

When I FS, I send all my fleet with all my resources but I don't press "continue" at floten2.
I do that twice on 2 different tabs. On the 2nd tab, I reduce the deuterium that I load.
Then I press continue on the first tab.
The second tab is the closest I can get to your scramble button.
I am a liar in every debate
I rule the forces that fuel your hate

when the fire in your heart leaves and comes to an end
then quietly I'll go to sleep

Re: [XneroX Tools] Zorg Empire Custom Menu Discussion

neoshagrath wrote:I don't know if this may help you with your scramble button but I'll say it anyway.

When I FS, I send all my fleet with all my resources but I don't press "continue" at floten2.
I do that twice on 2 different tabs. On the 2nd tab, I reduce the deuterium that I load.
Then I press continue on the first tab.
The second tab is the closest I can get to your scramble button.
Yeah, my problem was that i was trying to directly inject post data, but the post data is encrypted. quite rightly too. Your method is quite similar to what i have in mind as a replacement. I'm thinking:

You enter the details of the FS i.e What ships? Where from? Where to? and How much Resources?
When this is saved, you hit the scramble button and this happens:

1) The selected planet changes (redirect to planets overview)
2) The floten1.php pages loads and the data is autofilled.
3) The page is submited.
4) floten2 is returned
5) on pageload floten2 is autofilled and submitted
5) floten3 is returned and autofilled.

The user manually clicks 'Launch'


That is quite a lot of automation however, so ill await Zorgs approval before making it public.