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Re: Fequently Asked Questions

Devbos wrote:Well, I understand that I need more cargo ships to carry more stuff, but my cargo ships don't come back full.
This is because ZE does not employ the "Plunder Algorithm" for attacks. Somehow, the developers forgot something in their formula or it is too difficult for them to program.

Here is the way an attack should look:[/color]
You can only capture up to 50% of the overall resources on a planet. For example,if you attack a planet which has 20,000 metal, 20,000 crystal and 10,000 deuterium, you will get be able to capture a maximum of 25,000 resources overall {(20k+20k+10+)/2}.

Now here is how each resources are captured and its called the "plunder algorithm":

1.Fill up to 1/3 of cargo capacity with metal
2.Fill up to half remaining capacity with crystal
3.The rest will be filled with deuterium
4.If there is still capacity available fill half of it with metal
5.Now fill the rest with crystal
Because ZE does not employ the Plunder Algorithm, you have to send more ships than is necessary to get the full amount of resources available...

Re: Fequently Asked Questions

Can I build more than one small shield dome? If so, then what is the benefit of the large shield dome over the small one? As far as I can see, the cost is five times as much(except for a negligible amount of deuterium) and the strength is exactly five times as much. Also, how can the domes have rapid fire with an attack of 0?

Re: Fequently Asked Questions - more Questions...

Hi ppl... I have Another Question... How can i see that someone is on the way to attack me? 'cause when i researched Espionage Technology ( Level 2 ) it writes that i should get warning with the amount of attackers...

also can there be a battle on my fleet when it's on the way to it's mission? like somekind of outerspace-battle or anything like that or when i fleet save it would be safe?

another Q. is when and where i see that i get answers (on the forum)???

thank you.

Re: Fequently Asked Questions

sorry for digging... another 2 questions:
first, how can i know how many feilds may be on a planet? are u sure that between 4-7 slots there are the most? because i have there 200 fields and i read somewhere that u may have more than 300 (is it true? little help...)

second, i can't find the official trade ratios, can u give me a link?

Thanks again and have good time playing