Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.

Re: FleetSaving for NOOBS

a and ur fleet will comeback the same speed it was sent so the longer it takes t get to planet the longer it takes to recall and i was wondering can they do like if a fleet has been out for 10 secs and i recall instead of coming back in 2 mins it comes back in like 15 secs or somethig
Most people say im on a boat, but im on a damn PLANE!!! catch me now!!!

Re: FleetSaving for NOOBS

I don't know the workings of the phalanx yet, besides the fact that it retrieves information of fleet maneuvers, i think. I don't know if the user that got phalanxed is warned that he was phalanxed, but that's why i asked for the reasons, since i'm new to the game.