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Re: Probs ESP A-Z

in one word, no.

it doesnt work that way, it all has to do with your espy tech. there is a formula, but it escapes me. its really not complicated. if you probe someone with 10 espy ships and dont get a full report, send 40. if you arent getting a full report it is because the player you are probing has a higher tech level than you. you can either build tons of probes, or work on getting your tech up. personally, i would suggest the latter.

Re: Probs ESP A-Z

getting full esp reports depend on two things.

1) your esp tech and the defenders esp tech
2) how many probes u are sending.

for each 2 esp tech advantage u have on the defender you can unlock one tire of the report.

if u have low esp tech then... to over come the deficiency u need to send more esp probes.

you need 3 probes to match each level of esp tech adding.
you need 2 probes to unlock each catagory of reports.

in game max esp tech is 20 i believe in extreme. so if u ahve level 2 esp tech then u need to send 33 probes or something around that (i forgot the exact number it is in the forum in another thread, look it up) to get a full report on any one.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.