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internal trading with rubies

i have asked in chat this question
there is confusion on what is right or wrong
some say it is classed as pushing
others are in the mind that it is fair game
if someone is willing to sell resources for rubies so be it

i need this cleared up please

please do not answer unless you have definitve info on this

i want to trade rubies for resources on a person to person basis
is this allowed?


Re: internal trading with rubies

You can use the "Imperial Support" to buy resources but you are not allowed to trade rubies for resources with other players.

Rubies are not intended for trades to other players. It can be sent as gifts but not trades for resources.

The resources is on a continuous inflation but the Rubies will never loose their value so it is hard to put a price
tag on it.
This was once discussed, but players strongly disagreed since it may result to "money = power". It is also the reason the "Imperial Support" is capped.
Seasons end.