sedilewop wrote:What would you do if your second planet is bigger than than your main planet? Also i dont understand why you'd abandom a planet wouldnt people just stick it out if theyre being attacked?
If you're talking about your home world, then if your second co-located planet is a big fielder, keep it by all means.
I didn't say anything about abandoning a planet if you're constantly attacked. I stated putting them all in one system would make you a farm and that you need to spread out, looking for larger planets to permanently colonize. Abandoning your small feeder planets is a wise move as you will earn more points with larger planets.
Eventually, any player will have sufficient fleet saving techniques or defenses to ward off hostile neighbors (unless it has a moon) so having a solo planet without an associated feeder is the best way to play- offering you more attack opportunities over more areas of the Universe.