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help with ship speed

hey guys how do i go about increasing the speed ofa ship i presume you just max out the research like combustion etc. but does this mean that if i have a recycler for example cobustion research will increase it by 10% as well as impulse increasing it by 20% or would it just be the one?
if any one could clear this up for me i would be very greatfll :)

Re: help with ship speed

Only the Combustion technology would affect the speed of the recyclers, not the Impulse technology

Combustion Engine: Small Cargo [refitted with Impulse Drives once reached level 5], Large Cargo, Light Fighters, Recyclers, and Espionage Probes.

Impulse Engine: Bombers, Heavy Fighters, Cruisers, and Colony Ships

Hyperspace Engine: Battleships, Battlecruisers, Destroyers, and Death Stars