Please make sure you have checked the Players Guide thread first, before asking any questions.

Re: A little advice please?

ikes hero wrote:Okay, I'm new to this game and have some questions.

First, what research is most highly suggested/useful?
Initially, research things that will get your cargo ships, recyclers, and espionage probes. After you've researched all required for the majority of the ships, stick with Computer tech (for more fleet slots) and always WSA (Weapons/Shields/Armor).
What are cargo ships useful for in battle?
Not much except as for fodder and and carrying away resource- should they survive Cargo ships can also raid inactives.
What are some of the benefits from joining an alliance?
Many alliance offer advice and some level of support. Primarily, its a sense of community and learning from the mistakes of others.

ikes hero


Who is Mintaka?
Currently, the top of the food chain.