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Combat Fundamentals

Can someone please explain the fundamentals of combat in ZorgEmpire?

The combat engine produces unpredictable results. For instance, defense can shoot down more attacking ships than there are defenders. i.e. defenders have a form of rapidfire.

I have tried simulating combat with ---, with rapid-fire turned off. Sometimes the results are close, with the attacker losing about twice as much as simulated, but yesterday, I lost 14.4x as much as simulated, with the 3 defending ships destroying 284 attacking ships in a single round.

A simple explanation of how the combat engine works here would be good.

Re: Combat Fundamentals

I would like to know as well. It's frustrating to attempt to figure out an attack scenario that yields consistant results. As it is now, it's a crap shoot every time I launch.

How does a fleet of Large Cargos, Cruisers, and Destoyers hit a lightly defended planet and the only ship loss is the a Destroyer?

Re: Combat Fundamentals

I know how you feel, i have lost Destroyers, Battlecruisers and Battleships in seemingly "safe" situations. The worst being the loss of a Destroyer after "The defending fleet fires for 2 damage against the attacker. The attackers shields absorb 2 points of damage". How, may i ask, is that possible?

Also, battle simulators have been created for similar games yes? So if the fundamentals of this were figured out would one be created that fits Zorg perfectly? If i am allowed to discuss this. :roll:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Combat Fundamentals

Seriously -- we need some idea of how ZorgEmpire deals with combat. It is completely unlike any of the other similar games.

I just had another combat where I came in with overwhelming firepower (the only way) and in the final round of combat, faced off against 1 BC, 1 Small Shield and 1 Large shield. In that single round, I lost 3 SC, 2 HF, 2 Cr and 6 BS. So the defense definitely has a form of rapidfire. 13 deadly shots from a single ship!

Is this what Zorg refers to as the shield bug?

Re: Combat Fundamentals

The destruction of your probe is also based upon the difference in Espionage Technology between you and your opponent.


P.S. I'm sure Zorg explains it more thoroughly in a thread, i just can't remember which. :lol:
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...