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Re: MissileSilo

As neo stated, Level 2 will give you Anti-Ballistic Missiles (ABMs) capability. You will also need to purchase missiles to stock the silos. ABMs protect your defences from Inter-Planetary Missiles (IPMs) that an enemy planet can launch at you.

IPMs require Missile Silo Level 4 (minimum) and also require you to purchase missiles to stock them. Your Impulse Engine Technology level will determine how far they will fly when launched.

To launch an IPM, the launch console icon must appear in the far right of the planet's location on the Galaxy menu. Click on the icon, input the number of missiles to launch and select the type of defense you want to target (i.e., shields, lasers, gauss cannon, etc) and launch the missiles.

Understand that if the defender has 10 ABMs and you launch 11 missiles, only 1 of your IPMs will get through to actually damage his defenses.

If you select "All" as the target for your IPMs, the damage from the missiles will be spread over all defenses (usually taking out the weaker ones).