I'm inclined to be a raider. My doubts are about fleet/defense configuration and planet configuration. There are some threads with mixed opinions on that, and the technical info is limited. I didn't find any thread that analyzes it statistically (mainly fleets config).
Another doubt i have concerns farming in early stages of the game, and appliance of resources. Should i just work my mines and work on fleets after mines are completed, or should i also work on technology, or should i work on every aspect (mines,technology,fleets) right early on?
Get your buildings and research going before you get a big fleet going. A small raiding fleet is good to have. But get yourself producing a good amount before you get a bigger fleet.
Greatness isn't bestowed; it's chased. And only the best catch it.
Newbie protection does not make it so you can't be attacked but only so that u can not be attacked by players with five times as many points as u... so lets say u have 10 points, people with up to 50 points can attack u or if u had 3000 points than people with up to 150000 points can hit u. Once u break 10000 points people with any amount of points can hit u... that is why u learn to fleetsave.
So seems that from the initial spy report that he had no defenses, but as i attack i get wiped out and he doesn't even lose one unit of defense. What am i missing? (The planet in question is from an inactive player, btw)
Last edited by phono on Thu Oct 15, 2009 2:16 am, edited 1 time in total.
Anytime you send out probes if you do not get anything past the energy then you did not send enough probes. A full report will show the fleet, defenses, buildings and techs of the person you are probing.
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!