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Planet sizes, how can ya tell.

Um, i've noticed that while i get alot of deuterium from cold planets and energy from sats from hot planets that crystal and metal are unaffected by location so the goal must be to aquire the largest planets i can find. Only problem i have is that i cant tell how big a planet is going to be untill i have colonized it. I know 10k met/cryst isnt much for ya'll that are up there but i've only been playin a lil over a week n i only have 2k points so im not exactly up for squanderin resources colonizing just to see if it is big enuff to be worth the hassel and destroying if it isnt. O_O man i didnt mean to type that much. Anyway, long question short ==> :arrow: can i tell how many fields will be on a planet before i colonize it?
Any imput will be much appreciated.. wait no, any helpful imput will be appreciated :D useless and annoying imput will result in little green men kidnapping u and probing, constantly, for years. :twisted:
Yes I am a dirty hippy, no i do not want to be a boring conformist.

I like your Christ, I do not however like your Christians for they are so unlike your Christ. -Ghandi

Re: Planet sizes, how can ya tell.

It's supposed to be random, it's the whole point of colonising.

Generally though, as Weresloth said, the biggest planets tend to be in slots 5-7 (maybe 4-8). This is not definate however, i found an 89 fielder in slot 6 and i currently have a 333 fielder in slot 15.

I would say for you starting out, do not keep anything smaller than your homeworld (163), later on you may want to expand on this depending on your play style. Right now most of my colonies are using 140-180 fields, my highest being around 230 used fields. I will never keep a planet unless it has at least 200 fields, unless of course it is a roamer, but that's a diferent purpose.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Planet sizes, how can ya tell.

yeah i've noticed those tend to be bigger, i havea couple 400+ and one thats over 500 from that area :( still would be nice to not have to colonize to find out >.> dont like wasting resources
Yes I am a dirty hippy, no i do not want to be a boring conformist.

I like your Christ, I do not however like your Christians for they are so unlike your Christ. -Ghandi