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salary on membership

can you go on a salary membership

Trooper Squadron - Just joined the squadron (must listen to all higher ranks) - Salary=1000 metal, 1000 crystal, 1000 dueterium

Trooper Squadron Captain - Two weeks of membership (must listen to all higher ranks) - Salary=2000 metal, 2000 crystal, 1000 dueterium

Elite Squadron - Month of membership (must listen to all higher ranks) - Salary=4000 metal, 4000 crystal, 4000 dueterium

Elite Squadron Captain - Two months of membership (must listen to all higher ranks) - Salary=8000 metal, 8000 crystal, 8000 dueterium

Second-In-Command - Selected member (can request alliance changes and controls all other members but the general) - Salary=Almost complete control over alliance

or is this totally against to rules

Re: salary on membership

As long as it does not break the milking or pulling rules. If the player that you are wanting to pay is higher than you then that can not be done. If they are lower, then you may send them 1 hour production resources from each of your planets (resources must be sent from each planet, you may not send it all in bulk from one) if you wish within a 24 hour period.

6. You must not MILK
Milking is a form of cheating. No player may knowingly send resources to a higher ranking player unless it is done during a trade (in accordance with the Trade Ratios posted on the forums). Once within a 24 hour period a higher ranking player may send the equivalent of 1 hour of production to a lower ranking player (pulling).
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!