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hi everyone can someone help me figure this out.

I have seen a colony with no defenses and fleets,but has plenty of debris on it. Im wondering how did the debris got their when in fact their is no defending fleet and defenses on that planet. I believe that my espionage report was complete I have check the planet plenty of time already and their is no defense and fleet on it. Is their any kind of defenses that espionage can't see or detect? Thanks guys... :D
Equality doesn't always means justice

Re: hi everyone can someone help me figure this out.

maybe that colony had a few ships on it and someone crashed those and left the df.


someone sent espionage ships to probe and they got destroyed. espionage missions are known to do that alot.

either way its not really a big mystery. but anyways welcome the game.

also this isnt the right thread. i think someone should move this to help box.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.