TV Shows :)

Hey was a bit bored so thought id start a thread about TV Shows :)

Ive got some spare money left over that im not using for anything so think ill buy a boxset just dont know what to get. So can anyone recommend any old or new TV Shows?

In return I would recommend to anyone that hasnt seen them to watch 24, Supernatural & Heroes. Thats the only 3 im up to date with at the moment :P And in my opinion they are all amazing :D


Re: TV Shows :)

Supernatural, all CSI except NY, Criminal Minds.

I'm more into anime though.
Gundam Seed
Full Metal Panic
Death Note
Detective Conan
School Rumble (corny at first but makes you ROFL when you get the drift)

What else? Hmnnn... Bible Black :twisted:
Those are the few I remember right now.
Seasons end.

Re: TV Shows :)

house FTW!
also, Heroes. If you haven't seen it, start at season 1 and just grind through all the seasons till you're up to date.

oh one more, I haven't seen this show in a while but the episodes I did watch got me addicted. Try Doctor Who.

Re: TV Shows :)

Yeah I used to watch House when it was on the TV, a very interesting show.
Doctor Who is okay some of them arent bad but just not what im into sadly :(
Heroes though is really good :D I keep up to date with that and my other 2 favourites :)

Re: TV Shows :)

raineyday5 wrote:24 the best show EVER
You have great taste :D

Yeah Scrubs is great aswell watched most of them, And Two and a Half Men :P

Im thinking of getting Firefly, I liked the Film Serenity so hopefully ill like that aswell :)