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Epic Battles(?)

Posted: Wed Mar 02, 2011 6:19 am
by Resurrected
Yeah, pretty bored today, so my thoughts were wandering and I stumbled upon this beautiful idea.

Who would win these battles between....

...The Honorable Heroes:
Mighty Mouse vs Captain Planet

...The Brazen Brawlers:
The Thundercats vs The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

...The Devious Delinquents:
Bart Simpson vs Stewie Griffin

Any comments are welcome. If the reply is good, maybe I can come up with more. Feel free to add your own to the mix :)

Re: Epic Battles(?)

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 5:10 am
by Resurrected
Wow, apparently I am the only one who found this even slightly humorous. I know it's not that hilarious, but at least good for a few chuckels, or so I thought lol. Was at least hoping for some mildly entertaining responses.