Adventure III

Looks like all adventures have come to an end... a new one is needed...

The rules are, I make up the story line, your characters should fit in with it... Just have fun.
Also, you can only control your character not anyone elses...

Your on a colony ship, guarded by a huge fleet of light fighters, heavy fighters, and cruisers. Slowly it approaches an unexplored planet. For hours you watch out of the window waiting........ You have been sent on this very important mission by your Highest General, to fail means horrific punishment to succeed means eternal glory. Your heart quickly because you know that the closer you get to the planet the more likely you will be attacked by your alliance's blood thirsty enemies.

Suddenly, as you stare out the window, you see a flash and then burning as a dozen or so lightfighters go bursting up in flames.

What do you do?


To start of give a short discription of your character please. Be sure to include name, gender, and race (you can make them up).
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Adventure III

Well, I was gonna join in on Rogue's "Role Play" thing, but since I really missed alot of it, I guess this one will be just as fun.
Charactor Name: Ace ;)

Race: Zorgan :lol: . Ugly Greyish skinned creatures with a medium height, muscled composure. Can breathe almost any gas, but requires a filter mask to see. (closely relating to the Tolneps in Battlefield: Earth)

Gender: Male

History: Joined the Galactic Fleet (just a name of what our Empires ships are called, since you didn't give many details) after 28 years of living on the planet Intrega. After growing up 17 years as an orphan, and running away to join a casino only to become hundreds of thousands of credits in debt. Looking a way to get away from the loan sharks and for a way to fulfill the dreams of destroying all enemies and bringing peace to the universe, joining the Galactic Fleet was the only way out.
(And Now the Story Begins....)

After aproaching within the unexplored planet's gravitational pull, I begin to suit up. After fitting myself with a plasma rifle and stun-pistol, a tracking device, a mapping gps, and several video recorders with several days worth of footage memory, I set out for the landing ships. Stopping one last moment to look out a porthole, I see several light fighters explode. Without hesitating, I run towards the closest hangar, only to be dropped to the floor as something rocks the ship. I open up my communicator, and bring up the ship's scematics. It seemed as the shields had suddenly been shut off and the weapons and engines had been destroyed. Jumping up and heading towards the hangar again, my chest heaves at the thaught of what had hit us...

(I hope I did well!)
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Adventure III

so the story continues where he left off and i add a caracter? and keep it.
Unit 404 (nicknamed 404)
Age 1532 (earth cycles)
Made: N/A
perfession: ship navigator and A.I. interface
i am unit 404. i will supply u with the infomation on date: 4-12-3521(earth cycles)
colony ship (ship number:404976141995) entered the system:XXX galaxy:X planet slot: XX
at time:N/A. we had aproxamatly: 10 light fighters, 5 cruisers, and 25 heavy fighters. we were attacked by ship types:N/A and were crippled in under 15 minutes. I turned on primary and secondary weapons witch ended in failure. all crew were forced to abandon ship. as a last resort i downloaded my self to a pod witch was ready to launch. i was downloaded to the pod and soon was transfered to a civilian portable computer.
(emotional response) i looked back as my pod zoomed away from the burning metal of what was my body. as my pod entered the atmosphere we landed.....only 30% of the crew made it. the captian's deck was breached and i was forced to seal the room. no survivers were found. pods 3,12,19,36,98,and 956 failed to launch and pod 674 and 129 burned up in the atmosphere. no survivers.....
Last edited by schnitter on Tue May 18, 2010 2:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Adventure III

(Hey, commet, could you give a little more direction here? At least tell us the type of ship, year, planet names, or something. You left that a little blank.)
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Adventure III

So wait a second schnitter... what are you exactly? A robot? Please at least make yourself an intelligent creature (robotic or not i don't care).



it seems that you have successfully survived the evacuation and have now set up a small colony, which you have called Vahale. However, you are currently unable to get any type of connection with your mother planet, and thus have set to exploring this deserted planet.

So far you have found it is home to many large beasts that seem to have somehow evolved a heavily armored skin. It takes many men to take down one of these beasts. Also, you have seen some signs of intelligent life but have not yet come in direct contact with these "aliens."

In the distance from where you have landed you see:

A jungle like area
A vast desert
A dark contaminated ocean.
And a treacherous mountain that looks as if made of steel.

Which do want to investigate first? (please answer just the place and matierals/ people you will take with you.)
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: Adventure III

(Wow, just two charactors?)

Anyway, I would go to the jungle area, since I am a researcher guy; The jungle is full of new species of plants and animals, and noting that was our mission in the first place. I will take everything I had on me when I left the ship, including my two weapons...
Last edited by Ace on Fri May 28, 2010 5:02 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Revising... =l
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Adventure III

i am an A.I. i am free to think and do anything. though i am bound by protocal. -_-
as an A.I. im intrested in the contaminated ocean. it an oil spill. so i was downloaded onto a scout drone (with a gun attachment) and off i went. 8-)

Re: Adventure III

acewoonder wrote:(Hey, commet, could you give a little more direction here? At least tell us the type of ship, year, planet names, or something. You left that a little blank.)
Ok, here is the background: For years the Galactic Fleet and Sorantis Ev Dorma (SED), the two strongest alliances at the time, have been at war, fighting for dominance over the entire universe. Neither side has shown signs of surrender and both have suffer causualities in the low trillions. Finally at the current time (year 3521), the Galactic Fleet makes a risky yet important move. They try to colonize a planet right in the center SED's empire. To ensure the safety of the colonization, the Galactic Fleet sent almost their entire fleet to defend the colonyship. However, midway through the colonization SED sent an attack towards the Galactic Fleet's motherplanet and most of the colonyship's escorts had to recalled. In the end, the Galactic fleet was left with just a few light fighter, heavy fighters, and cruisers to defend it.

The rest is for you guys to create... just remember... Sorantis Ev Dorma is evil... savage... and powerhungry.
You are the upholders of justice, brotherhood, and equality. :D
Leader of Eldrith Pirates