
this is a place where you can show your writing skill have fun

tempist tost all is lost,
the light has been forgotten
storms lay waist their steal embrace.
the dawn is sure to come
Last edited by Jade on Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:20 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: poems?

Darkest hours or the brightest light are the things that moves us and gives us perception that we lacked before. Only then u find words that you never thought u had. Bravo Jade. May follow the footstep.

A girl i see (you can just name her)
-SPY aka yXz

Moon, that i watch
Flower, that i watch
Raindrops, lightning, birds
Nothing is the match

Your face is such
Your face is such.

What is this dream, that i have seen
The andromeda herself walking on earth had she been

Sights of my eyes has choosen you,
When the world turned blure as you came to view.

What should i look for more,
When the world is so mandain after seeing you

Sights of my eyes has choosen you,
When the world turned blure as you came to view.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: poems?

where is my friend when i need?
by SPY-Freyr-yXz³

how distant it seems the whole world became,
i cant feel the touch of it any more.

the world used to revolve in harmony,
melancholy disrupted it to halt,
me alone was thrown into oblivion.

looks back to find the trace of reality,
faded away in the strike of madness.

flesh of me is battered bones broken, veins dried of the life,
hurts most is the loneliness

hard to see if i had known life,
hard to know if i had felt alive,

hard to feel if it was death,
alas, what to do with the fist full of shards of me heart.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: poems?

gentle breezes blown

silently a drift at sea to the setting sun
the night winds whisper quietly
your journey's yet undone
Last edited by Jade on Sun Apr 11, 2010 3:21 am, edited 5 times in total.

Re: poems?

Here I go too,though I write my poems in my language,but oh well,there's a start in everything :)

Give love a try,don't go away
This won't happen everyday
True love happens only once in a life time
Don't be afraid to become mine
Come here and hold me tight
When it's dark,let the moon be our light...

Alive, or just breathing ?

Re: poems?

the dreamers dream
the lovers leave
and all the world is left to grieve

lost in sadness
total madness
the truth yet unknown

as it all burns to the ground

Re: poems?

lolz, I'm so sadistic

The Doom of Innocence

As it was so,
That I was walking on the road
I chanced upon an alley to bode
A child so sad. Was it, no?

He had a round, baby face
Yet, from lack of energy, sagged
Burdened with a bowl, he lagged
Out of home, the elements chase

Out of uncontrolled fate,
His mother, a lonely traveler
His father, a selfish squanderer
He is poverty’s bait

He never had a loin
Subject to the doom of innocence
Drained of all childhood radiance
So I gave him a coin.
Whenever my fleet gulps down deuterium, it belches DF


Re: poems?

This is a sonnet i wrote for school a while back... its not the final copy... i could find that one but who cares.

The shadows talk and the winds speak to me
As I watch winter wash the life away
And spring brings back the buzz of the tiny bee
To the place with thorns, rocks and ditches, I stay.
This is where I run and dream the whole day.
Here a single spoken word is echoed back.
Here colors are not boring or dead gray,
Here every single color shines, even black.
Here wild, untamed creatures will not attack.
Here twilight reaches through the leaves,
Here chipmunks search the ground for a snacks
Here, there are not any human nature thieves
Out here in these grand, ancient, natural woods,
Is under one of nature’s fading hoods
Leader of Eldrith Pirates

Re: poems?

Here I go again :D Hope you'll like it guys :)

I kept loving you
Though it never camed true
Now I can't reach you,you're too far
But I will always love my beloved star....

Alive, or just breathing ?