Zorg Empire ChatRoom

Click on Chat at the lef hand game menu.


-Mild profanity and "war bantering" is allowed, though any extreme flaming will result in a kick/ban on a temporary or permanent basis.
-Any racist, sexist or any other major form of harassment will result in an immediate ban.
-As we have people joining who are not from ZE, i must ask that everyone uses their IGN (In Game Name) whilst in the chat room. Failure to do so will result in a kick, or ban if you consistently ignore the rules.
-[/b It is strictly forbidden to imitate any other user nickname (imposter).

Violation of the chat rules can result in the ban of your in-game account.

Rules may be changed, removed and added to as time progresses. Moderators of the forums are also moderators on the chat room unless they wish not to be. Moderators may also be selected (or removed) from applicants based on chatroom activity. If you wish to be a moderator on the chatroom please send me a PM stating why, what you believe you can do for us and how often you can be online (hours per day/week).

Still Beta...
Moderators for now is only Weresloth,Neoshagrath and Zorg and soon all other forum helpers will be added to the list.
Nickname reservation is still not possible.
Once we come to a conclusion that it is working correctly, we will add more features

Re: Zorg Empire ChatRoom

Bad news, guys...looks like I won't be able to chat with you all :cry: . I tried to enter the chat and it told me to "enable cookies"...so I went into my net settings, enabled cookies, and the message continues to show it's ugly face. Looks like that's it for me and live conversations with you guys :cry: .

EDIT- Finally figured out a way to get it to work...and uh...well I'll be in the old chat if you need me, hahaha :lol: .
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Zorg Empire ChatRoom

Yes i will go on this if its on the game menu - you have a chat link but it doesnt work... Come on zorgy baby dont advertise something that doesnt work....

Gale you wont be missed chatting anyway... maybe you have been blocked for a reason :lol: