
I want people to post one of their biggest lies.
Not only posting but also commenting. Just for Fun.
Ok here's mine.

One time ( I'm not gonna mantion the date ) When I was sleeping in a dorm I cant stop thiinking about what prank should I do. It's like all part of my brain, Even my conscience, says yes.
So I had thought of a prank.
The prank was to place a gum on a shoe that (I will not mention the name so I will call it ___) ___ will wear.
I chewed up like 6 gums then combined the chewed up gum then split it into two.
One for each shoe. Ok. That done I've placed them on ___'s shoe. When morning came I quickly get out of my room knowing that I will be caught. ___ also woke up but didnt notice that there was a gum on his shoe. Maybe he was wearing socks that he didnt notice it or it kinda felt comfortable :lol: . At the end of the day I couldnt stop looking at ___ because of the gum on his shoe. When ___ and I went to the Dorm it was then when he realized it!!! :lol:
The best part is I didnt told him that I did it!! Not until I wrote this confession. :lol:
I feel relaxed now that I let it out.

What do you think? Horrible enough? What's your confession? :D
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Re: Confessions

Weresloth wrote:
Noodle wrote:I am actually the one and only flying spaghetti monster :mrgreen:
All hail His Noodley appendage!
Excuse me? :shock:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...