Re: Last One to Post Wins

Sieve, aver, skein, and the word Ista said. I've never heard of them, although I could probably make a guess because of the context they are used in.

Where did you find this poem?
Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One

10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder

Re: Last One to Post Wins

Ace wrote:Sieve, aver, skein, and the word Ista said. I've never heard of them, although I could probably make a guess because of the context they are used in.

Where did you find this poem?
Sieve is pronounced like 'siv', I know because I'm a hockey fan ;)
Forum Moderator: The Chill One ~ Gale Points: 52
The only thing standing between me and immortality is death.