Re: Last One to Post Wins

But what he intends for it to mean is only known to him, so it is used at his discretion.

That is thing I never liked. How do other people know if I meant for it to be "exciting?" I'll use an exclamation point where ever I want! Like that. :)

I've always liked to punctuate my sentences as if I were reading them. I never liked going over commas and stuff like that during class. Commas are tricking little things to use "correctly." A fun little thing we did one day was take the Gettysburg Address (With all punctuation removed) and were told to punctuate it how we thought it should be punctuated. SO many different versions were made that day, lol. Punctuation is one of my least favorite things, because sometimes it just seems like "Eh, use it or don't, it doesn't matter." I prefer spelling and vocabulary. Much more...stable.

I found a nice quiz on word usage the other day...I seem to have misplaced the link, though...I'll have to search for it. I think I only got like a 70% (Only 10 questions, very quick) on it, though.

Re: Last One to Post Wins

Witchywoman wrote:Keep in mind, although this is fun, there are still forum rules. Please refrain from the quote pyramids.
I already got Mr. Super Bovine for that. Up to three quotes per stack are allowed, no more.

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: Last One to Post Wins

Weresloth wrote:お帰りなさい Gale! Though I seemed to have missed you. Also the massive grammar war that just took place :lol:
You missed it man! I was taking out everyone left, right and center with my epic punctuation! :lol:

When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...