Re: Related Word Game

what i find really funny though, is that the white house actually bothered to make a detailed explanation for why they would not xD
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~

Re: Related Word Game

The White House promised if you hit x number of signatures, they would address it. So they did.

Regard your soldiers as your children, and they will follow you into the deepest valleys; look on them as your own beloved sons, and they will stand by you even unto death.
Sun Tzu

Re: Related Word Game

that's right. we need a new unit in zorg - the jedi (+999 rapid fire to every single ship. including other jedi. cost: 1 metal, 1 crystal, 1 deut)
RL has been a b****. maybe for once I can stay around long enough to make a name for myself...

~the V-mode Fleeter~