Unfortunately for this werewolf hunter, his blood came into contact with werewolf saliva during his last mission. It wasn't his fault, though.
You see, it all started when he was 14 years old, and his dad died in a tragic mining accident when one of the rafters collapsed and the roof caved in. The young not yet hunter and his mother were emotionally devastated, but otherwise unhindered by this event. That was, until winter came.
When winter arrived, many awful storms ravaged the small village in which they lived. One day, a particularly nasty blizzard came through. It completely wiped out young huntertobe and his mother's remaining livestock. Without proper nutrition, huntertobe became rather sick, and had to stay in bed. His mother started doing his chores, so that he could rest.
One afternoon, at a rather late time, the mother was outside scooping up a pale of snow. That's when she saw the full moon. It was beautiful, and the memories of those dozens of nights she and her husband had spent lakeside enjoying the moon's entrancing reflection brought a tear to her eye. She was so mesmerized by the moon's pale white face, that she barely noticed the large figure loitering next to her. Turning towards the figure, she realized it was a ferocious beast, and let out a weak cry for help.
Hearing his mother's desperate plea rejuvenated the young hunter, who leaped from the bed and raced for the door. He reached it just in time to see the creature with a wiry pelt and doglike head rake its claws across his mother's abdomen. The effects of his adrenaline fading, young hunter fell to the floor, consciousness failing him. The last thing he saw was the horrific creature standing over the still form of his mother...
Late the next morning, he awoke to the sound of constant sawing. He could see a warm light casting the shape of a window upon the wall and floor of his room. He attempted to pull himself out of bet, but his attempts were futile. He had expended the last reserves of his strength the night before, trying to reach-
That is the moment young hunter remembered the foul beast murdering his mother, and having collapsed upon the floor after witnessing the event. He began to cry softly to himself, and eventually drifted back to sleep.
When he woke again, it was late in the afternoon, and semi-darkness filled his room, except for a light source of which whose location was somewhere behind young hunter. It cast several flickering shadows across the room, so it must have been a candle, lantern, or torch of some sort.
"Is someone there?" Young hunter called out.
"Yes," came a reply. The response had come gently, but from an unfamiliar voice.
"What do you want?" asked young hunter.
"What a complicated and deeply personal question that is. It is deserving of an equally complicated and deeply personal response."
"Um," said young hunter.
The unknown voice sighed. There was some shuffling behind young hunter, and a chair was finally placed beside him. A man settled into the chair.
"But I suppose you don't actually want to hear any of my riddles. No, I am here so that I can explain to you what you witnessed last night."
"Where is my mother?" asked young hunter.
"I am afraid she perished in the attack. I set her body ablaze on a pyre that I constructed this day."
Young hunter was speechless.
"it was a werewolf. And I am a werewolf hunter," the man continued.
"Did you kill it?" asked young hunter.
"No. I had wounded it, and it fled in this direction. I had almost caught back up to it before it found your home. Now that it has fed, and has gotten a day's lead on me, it could be months before I find him again."
The man allowed the words to sink in.
Finally, young hunter broke the silence.
"I want to kill it."
So the man nursed young hunter back to full health. The man trained young hunter for years, teaching the boy everything he knew. When
Hunter was finally ready, they tracked down the werewolf that had murdered Hunter's mother. The creature slew the old man, and wounded Hunter, but perished from the wounds it had earned.
Hunter was proud of himself, and, without his mentor around to do it for him, began to craft some silver bolts for his next victim. Heh, victim. What a funny way to think of them...
Hunter had contracted lycantrophy during battle. He accidentally cut himself with the silver, and a sliver of it got into his bloodstream. It went into his heart, and killed him.
I morphed back into my wizard toad form, and wtfPWN you.
Re: King of the hill
#1281Forum Moderator: The Illiterate One
10 Gale Points FTW
10 Gale Points FTW

Zorg wrote:Ace is so much sexier than Acewoonder