Re: King of the hill

The sword breaks when it hits the ground and my soul is released. Proceeding to walk away, I baffle Jason. After long hours of commute in a huge city, I return with a shiny new xbox. I present it to Jason, saying he could have it if he became my eternal servant for life.

After he agreed, I told him to go dig a hole to the center of the earth and chuck LordShadow in, making sure the walls of the hole were non-magnetic stainless steel, so LS couldn't get out. Off in the distance, I heard LS burn to a crisp.

After his first task was done, I ordered Jason to bribe all other newcomers to the hill with various shiny objects so they would embrace my rule of the kingdom. All who agreed were allowed to stay. The rest were thrown into the pit. I reigned as a nice king to those who bought the bribes.

After my new citizens had built my castle upon the hill, I thanked them with a great feast, and gave Jason one last order. "Jason," I said, "You must now smash your new xbox so you can rejoice in the beauty of this new kingdom." After he disagreed, I threw him in the pit :P

To this day, I live happily with my subjects in my castle on the hill. KOTH.

(Longest KOTH post?)
Average Person ~ Gale Points: 28

Re: King of the hill

I climb out of the pit unhurt and use a catapult to smash pups castle and raid his city i become the king of the hill and order all of the ppl to step on pupairos nuts and to throw him in a dungeon that is fire proof smash proof magic proof and bullet proof KOTH