Awww ;-;
Grrr :3
Dafluffeh, Leader of the fluffeh peoples, and leader of the United defence of Leporids.
When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend
Teamwork is essential; it gives the enemy other people to shoot at.
When in doubt, empty the magazine ^^


Ha ha I've gots a joke.
Two guys walk into a bar, you would think the second would've seen it.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, (bad joke) :lol: :twisted:
Dad askes his sone what hes doin and the son replies "having a bath with bubbles" his dad thinks its fine at first so he goes away. Later that day their neihbors ask them over and they go. When the neihbors introduce each other they go, "this is Lisa, and this is Scott, and this is my duaghter bubbles"


Little Johnny come home from school one day and tells his dad the bad news..."Daddy, I got an "F" on my Math Test today."

Johnny's dad was confused.."How did you fail?", he asked. "We studied for days for that test and you did so well. What did the teacer ask on the test?"

Little Johnny replied, "She asked what 3x2 was and I said 6."

Johnny's dad, now more confused, says, "But that is correct, what else did she ask?"

Little Johnny says, "Then she asked me what 2x3 was"

Johnny's dad said, "What's the F***ing difference in that?"

and little Johnny replied, "that's what I said!"


paddy wins the lottery and gets 10 million he leaves the wife and buys himself a grand house
the ex wife brings him to court for matinance for his 12 kids
the judge says paddy your a very rich man
im gonna award your wife and kids 300000 a month
paddy says thats very kind of you ill throw her a couple of pounds myself :D :D
when i bite i bite hard dont mess with the fish


A little boy is riding along the side walk on his brand new tricycle that he got for Christmas when a police officer on horse back come up to him.

The cop looks down at the little boy and asks "Did Santa get you that bike for Christmas?"

The little boy looks up and the officer and replies with a big smile "He sure did mister."

The cop pulls out his pencil and ticket book and starts writing "Well next time tell him to remember to put the reflectors on."

The little boy looks at the officer questionably and then asks "Hey mister did Santa get that horse for you on Christmas?"

The officer decides to play along and replies "Why yes he did."

The little boy then tells him "Well next time tell him to put the dick on the bottom."

Hehe, thats one of my favorite jokes. I have lots of other but they aren't appropriate for this forum so I'll just stick with this one.
Gale Points: 6


paddy and mick go for a job paddy says to mick ill go first as im smarter than you and when i come out ill tell you the answer to the question
so paddy gos in and the foreman says to him ive only one question for you if you get it right ill give you the job what would happen if i cut out your eyes
paddy thought for a while and says would i be blind the fore man says well done you can start on monday morning
paddy goes out and says to mick the answers youll be blind so mick goes in and sits down the foreman says to mick what would happen if i cut off your ears
mick replys would i be blind the foreman says how do you work that out mick says my hat would fall over my eyes :D :D
when i bite i bite hard dont mess with the fish