well a will say about one thing
[Approved PB Heavy] Elite Rec
Thu Dec 30, 2010
look on date guys
total 312 days is passed and nothing added
a like having new ships and building.
if you wanna keep players in game add new ships and building and make it different as others browser games.
adding servers was good idea but bad for all players ho plays others servers.
each time you add new server we lose 1000 players in each server at least or more
or like in speed there are all blue or nobody play it because new servers.
in extreme a remmeber we could find good resurses and fleet just nearby our planets now we can find only blue players.
my point here is improve others servers first then when you come to point that nothing can you improve launch new server .
it this rate you will lose tons of players and money if you dont change that
Player vs admin criticism
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