Re: Last One to Post Wins

Well then. I suppose I'm going to go cry in the corner since you're beating me. That, or get on with my life. Perhaps I should do the other option. It would be much more productive. Not to mention self-satisfying. Think of all the things I could do, work out, draw a picture, write a story, compose a song, and the list keeps going. Perhaps you making that post could make my life better, perhaps you making that post could make my life worse. That's really up to me in actuality. I can get off when I want to.... I'm not addicted O.o I swear. Really, I'm serious. I can quit when I want to, I can. But really, I need to stop coming on ZE and running away from my problems. I should turn around and face them. Yes, that's what I should do. If you took the time to read this post, you know no me better. So, I'm gonna go and cry in the corner now.

And after writing all of that, I now realize I'm winning again. :P
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