Re: Role Play - Sci Fi


[Still waiting for reply from atler about minotaur.]

Alexin had completed his weapons and armor after a week of nonstop working.
His ship was almost complete thanks to the fortress engineers. He had one mission before he set off to
finish his business. His mission was to assist the assault on Canir.

A few hours later:

"Alexin. Your ship is complete." Said the head engineer.
"Good. I have to assist the assault on Canir." Said Alexin.
He stepped into his ship and flew out the hanger door towards Canir.
"After this battle, I will get you Hentaga!" Said Alexin.

Stealthy but Powerful

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[Sorry that it took so long, had a busy week]

After a moment, Throk Mak Taur came back
'So, what is your answer?'
'I'd love to see my people again, and maybe the best idea of all is to give me a ship and let me fly towards them, not a whole part of a fleet. And if you don't trust me, you send some Servitors with me.'
'Hmm, we could think about it'
'But, their is a problem with the plan of your master.'
'And that is?'
'Well, such as I said, only a few elves are born with this talent. And those elves left behind to fight for the kingdom. And even if their were elves with the talent, would they have to train 50 years to perfectly control it.'
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

'Well, as the talent is something heritable, the change is like a 5%. So that's not so much. Than also the fact that it's hard to know when someone has this talent.'
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

"I see. How much of your population will be able to fight at all? We will return you regardless of how many have your skill friend ghost, but we will still need assistance in this war, in your previous role."

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

'Well, their are some guards with the people, but most of it are cizitizens. We don't live to fight. Let's say 15% of them are guards. The others are just cizitizens'
Angels of Death

The biggest danger in the history and future of humanity, is, was and will always be ourselfs...