Re: King of the hill

well i take out the random ideas and make it back to normal!!!!!
there are no longer random things happening everything has to make sense!!
joshanddrew wrote:please tell me how you got past the guard dog,bunker,moat with alligators and the impentrable fortress
lets start back right here!

OK i would go around the fortress :lol: that was easy!
then i would climb up and push both Weresloth and Gamepro41 down the hill to the moat where they would get eaten by alligators!
i am now the king of the hill

Re: King of the hill

CharliePie99 wrote:We kinda did ruin the topic sorry!

I wave pie in the air and distract you. Then I take over the fort with an army of people who are just sitting on the hill because there were on vacation. They were board so they helped me.
that is to random it needs to be thought out! i am still king

Re: King of the hill

*casts a invisible spell and flies over the fortress, casts a disappation spell on the fortress and its the persons in it, the wind blows the remaining smoke away leaving a bare hill.*

*flies down onto the hill, casts a protection shield spell around herself and the hill*

I am therefore now Queen of the hill!
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!