Re: Females

God created men to be the leaders and the strength of the human foundation, while women are the crowned jewels of all existence.

Like...picture this, I like this quote:

"Men are the ones whom built the pyramids, monuments, and the castles. But who did they build them for? The women."-Unknown
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Females

Does this explain the bombardment my planet took while I was afk? lulz. All you saw was the "edited" thing and went off. Calm down, I used a curse word accidentally. Witch, I learn alot from your forums entries. Fish......uh.....I like your banner.

Re: Females

Oiad wrote:Does this explain the bombardment my planet took while I was afk? lulz. All you saw was the "edited" thing and went off. Calm down, I used a curse word accidentally. Witch, I learn alot from your forums entries. Fish......uh.....I like your banner.

awww who hit you while you were afk? Did you leave good stuff laying around? :lol: Glad you like to learn :lol:
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!

Re: Females

Renaisance from planet Helgrind. Get'em. He pickin' on me. lulz
actually he/she's mad at me. last time, I waited til the ships were just a few minutes away then through up a bunch of lazer cannons. hehe. espionage that homie

Re: Females

I believe "going off" is a DEFINATE over statement. In fact, I laughed the entire time I was typing it. If you think I'm offended, you're thinking in the wrong direction :D.
_______________________Public Relations Administrator______________________

__________________A tongue of silver is worth plenty in gold._________________

Re: Females

neoshagrath wrote:It's funny how women rally around saying that men and women are equal then cry injustice when they are treated like men.

Saying we are equal means... we are not your lap dogs, we are not your servants, we are not your floor mats to step on... We have an equal say in life, we are intelligent and able to think for ourselves. It does not mean we are not WOMEN and should be treated like men... would you like it if the women started treating you like a female? Equal does not mean identical which your statement seems to lean toward. So according to your little statement if we are equal we can no longer identify ourselves as women and be treated as a woman? I don't act like a man, and I was born a woman, so why should I be treated as a different sex than I am?

....If a woman can get out and do a job just as well as her coworker who is male... then she should get payed the same, doesn't mean she is not a woman and should still be treated as a woman...
Just when you thought your were in control... I proved you wrong!