Re: The only piece of evidence...

Definantly money or religion cause war. I agree that power is as well but that falls under the umbrella of money. Money is anything from land to women to minerals, anything that has anysort of value=money. Google Zeitgeist: Addendum And in this country i have noticed that we are nothing more than slaves to money. When you are born onto this planet you are in debt.

I've been looking into 9/11 for the past 3 or 4 yrs. The majority of what the Gov't said happened is a lie, this is a fact.
Just need to wake up the sheeple.

P.S. It's the internet, defined as: were people can argue and say the damdess things, you can either respond or, as spankie put it,...stfu.

Re: The only piece of evidence...

Spankie wrote: Thank you for yoru support. I will say this however, MONEY is never a reason for war, has never been will never bed, POWER is the reason most usually used,
I agree to a point but you also need to remember that in this modern world money is power as much as we hate it.
Gale Points: 6

Re: The only piece of evidence...

Booda wrote
Definantly money or religion cause war. I agree that power is as well but that falls under the umbrella of money. Money is anything from land to women to minerals, anything that has anysort of value=money. Google Zeitgeist: Addendum And in this country i have noticed that we are nothing more than slaves to money. When you are born onto this planet you are in debt.
Addendum is the second Zeitgeist movie. You should see the first Zeitgeist also. The first part is about religion, which I don't really care about. But the second and third parts are worth seeing. It shows pictures and evidence about why the government was involved in 9/11. One reason was to pin the blame on Bin Laden so Americans would agree and be eager to go to war. It has alot of other information too, like George W's grandfather sold oil additives to the nazi's to make money, etc. The dvd was only $5 from Zeitgeist's website if anyone's interested.

Re: The only piece of evidence...

With such a devious govt and the need for so many secret agencies and departments it is hard to believe that the us had nothing to do with 911 and are probbibly the most adept nation in the world at twisting facts to work to their own advantage .And definatly proved they were no better than any terrorists with their mass bombardments against suvillian targets but i guess its alright when the bashing rule is lifted .but i guess war means those involved can throw all kinds of morallity out the window .for pretty much the only country thats ever used weapons of mass destruction against another country and be full of them themselves i find it hypocritical to tell another country you cant have any then invade them sorry liberate lol only to find there were none there .i wonder what else they were wrong about .