Why should you help women?

I saw the following question come up on a list of survey question. I thought the answer isn't so simple.

Why should you help women?

The question is a twisted one. I consider woman as equal to man to any other man. Having said that, women like any other men if in need of help I will extend my courtesy regardless of that person's sex. Apart from that I also extend some courtesy of my own to extend towards women in general as I respect them to be the barer of babies and the responsibility that they have as a mother for any child's upbringing is immense. In doing that the challenges they face in today's uneven world puts them ahead in the ladder of respect in most cases. For me respect needs to be bestowed first if respect needs to be cultured.

But at a personal level not every person deserves my help on that regard i might not chose to help that person. Tho this got nothing to do with that person being male or female.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.