My Belated and Very Late Goodbye

I realize at this point, it is extremely redundant to point out that I have quit, seeing as most of you will not even recognize me. However, I feel that I at least owe a 'Thank You' to my allies and alliances of old for all that we did together. Gale (you'll never be Lighting to me!), Rejectragdoll, Weresloth, Joshandrew, Megamedes, Desertreaper, and the countless others who I've surely forgotten, and my old mates in the new RAWK, and all the other alliances I've forgotten the names of. Godspeed to all of you.

"Steal from one and you are a thief. Steal from all and you are the government"

Re: My Belated and Very Late Goodbye

Well, my internet was bad to the point where my FSing was so half-assed that most of my shells were burned. That, and it was that time of the school year where I needed to focus more on sports and the joke they claimed as homework. Oh, and sabotaging my government class's roleplaying exercises. The UN was never so much fun before or since.

"Steal from one and you are a thief. Steal from all and you are the government"