Search found 4 matches

Guardian (Dawn) vs Ursa_Major (AOW) TD: 7.284.647.800

The attacker has won the battle ! You receive 96.859.228 units of Metal, 75.173.700 units of Crystal and 837.196.924 units of Deuterium. The attacker has lost a total of 30.000.000 units. The defender has lost a total of 7.254.647.800 units. A debris field containing 2.211.898.080 units of Metal and...

Guardian (Dawn) vs SilverVixen (AOW) TD: 68.881.982.300

A very sloppy hit indeed lol. I was kinda skeptical on this because on past times she's always lifted right before my fleet arrived, but this time I got lucky. I saw it down and immediately sent a roamer and rubied up a moon. Few mins later I launched and got it. The attacker has won the battle ! Yo...

Guardian (Dawn) vs MegaMedes (Pirates) TD: 20.716.666.200

Haven't been able to catch fleets in the longest due to school, but I guess this was worth the wait. Saw a portion of it was down so I probed around and found it, launched and tadah. The attacker has won the battle ! You receive 322.021.500 units of Metal, 61.542.793 units of Crystal and 111.001.105...

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