Search found 43 matches

Re: Planet types

now even tho this is my idea(kinda) i still dont agree as its just stupid and yes my idea were suricidal i was just looking for a farming place

and also i funny mistake
and defences 10% fater ship bulding

Re: Need a Helper

Beast(ahsan) wrote:dude like really? ask fr moon shots in the trade section, or ask ur friends
yeah like that will really happen....
i dont spend money on ppl really and me having friends is a really low chance

You Guys Crack Me Up!!!!

:lol: you guys crack me up coz of what you guys say about me and this is just sooo funny :lol: im so glad i joined again because last time i was nicer but this time its all what i have done! :lol: theres no way im quiting this for a while now :lol: and if you dont like me well theres 1 person to bla...

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