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Re: Attak tactics help

The probe trick worked with low attack forces to give enemy more targets then just my LC's but quickly became impractical at higher numbers. Now I'm finally getting cruisers an Battleship's, "tanking" working better then fodder tactics. bombers seams a wast now even.
Thanks for the help guyz

Re: Expedition Technology

There are several things i found so far that can happen on an expedition are: • Nothing, don't even find alien droppings. Your fleet flies out there and returns home with nothing to show for it’s journey except some good pictures of a super nova • You find resources on a inhabited planet and bring a...

Re: Attak tactics help

I've been experimenting in sim using probs as fodder, i get same resulst if i use twice as many probs compared to LF, crystal cost the same but metal expenses way down. any one else try this

Is the universe flat?

havening hard time judging distances of planets,
Is is galaxy 9 farthest away from 1 or if universe is round is 9 closer to 1 then 3?
same thing in sectors seam quicker to attack planet 7 from 5 then it was from 6

Attak tactics help

noob question here, could not find answer in other posts so hope not duplicated 1. is it better to go in with fighters to to distract thier defences an let the big poys (bombers batlships) pound or firepower/armore bein equle just use heavy ships. if distragtion is the key won't probs do the same jo...

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