Search found 3 matches

Bad Boyz [~BB~]

We are recruiting players that play daily. I have played this game and others and have a good grasp of the game mechanics. I can teach you various methods of game play. All i ask is that you want to play for numerous months, not just weeks. We are a nOOb alliance as of now, but with the right playe...


I guess nobody needs training, had no takers. So moving on to an alliance of friends that I have played with in the past. So MODS you can close this thread. Thank you all for the nice comments, but I have found a place where my talents will be put to good use.




Hellhounds (~iillii~) is now recruiting members who are new to the game and would like to learn the basics. I have played this game before under another account which has been deleted. Hellhounds is a training alliance. I have set up a forum and embedded a chat, so communications should be fast and...

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