Search found 8 matches

Re: Vm while active

"Should you be able to go into vacation with fleet on air ?" That is the wording for this vote. Too often things like this get muddied with opinions and sideline arguments. If you ever want an option, however restricted or penalized, of going into v-mode while you have ships in the air your vote nee...

Eterna has disbanded

With the absence of the original members, less activity with the newer players, and the distraction offered by another game, it was decided that disbanding was logical. Most of the remaining senior players moved to another alliance. The upcoming posting and the changes on the ranking board should ta...

Re: Some Random Tips and Tricks

MIcro-fleet saving - You've learned to fleet save when your not playing - great. Now it's time to learn to fleet save while your playing. Never leave your fleet on a moon while your looking for targets or busy with other fleets. Fleet save all ships your not using at the moment to the planet whose m...

Re: Trade of resources for SPY report on any player or allia

As paying for information or esp. reports in resources are not specifically sanctioned, one can imagine that it could run afoul of pushing/pulling rules. I have seen a method often used by higher level players for paying off spies/informants – pre-arranged resource abandonment. I am not saying that ...

Re: Player Protection

Never really understood the anger management issues that appear from time to time. It is all a game meant for enjoyment. I actually thought the lopsided nature of the battle report was quite amusing. My defenses didn't score any damage but there was a second exchange. :lol:

Re: Player Protection

Full agreement with the fleet save recommendation. Unfortunately, this option would require scheduling my life around a game. Get home early only to wait an hour for a fleet to return or be recalled, or get home late and find it missing. Of course a new player needs to understand the phlanx technolo...

Re: Player Protection

It is curious that most of the discussion concerning player protection is being limited to the first few days of newbie play. Of course, the new player should have time to acquaint him/herself with the game before becoming prey to an indefensible attack. After all, discouraging people right from the...

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