Search found 19 matches

Back again

Hi, I've been gone for a little over a year, due to personal life issues. I just got back on yesterday, it's good to see some old faces and friends still here! I noticed my ancient posts were still on here, I remember that the fusion reactors a year ago were not worth building be...

Player name

Hi! Am I stuck with my player name or can I change it? I used the name with a _38 behind it because I thought there would be tons of people on here (like WOW). But I didn't need it after all, and I would like to make it something more original. Thanks for all your past and future help!

Re: Strong players

Hey thanks weresloth and spankie. I'm sure it has been explained before spankie, but I don't know which of the hundreds of posts to look for. I went through all 35 pages of help and couldn't find it. Thanks again, and I won't bug you

Strong players

Ok, I've looked everywhere for this topic, but can't find anything on it. I hate to post something that's already been covered, but there are a LOT of posts. Anyway, how do you become a strong player (s)? Is there a certain amount of ships/defenses you need?

All those zeros!

Hi. I know this might seem silly, but I checked out my ranking (1158), and thought, 'wow', moving up pretty fast. Then I noticed that the bottom 1103 players (from 1507 to 2610) have zero points. Have all these people just joined? Is there a time limit for them to remain on the rankings if they're i...

Re: More questions

Thanks slash. I'm trying to up my esp lvls, but damn it uses a lot of crystal! Is there a way I can change my storage amount on the cargo ship so that I bring back nothing but crystal?

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