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Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Ok, so I have caught up and am ready to continue. "Sir, scouts report that the energy flux was from the battle, from what though is unknown." said a soldier. "Very well, now to get back to our plan. How is the assault going?" asked Dunret "Almost complete. We have penetrated the fortress, we are al...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

The Fortress made it to the outpost and had saw no sign of the fleet. "Sir, scouts have reported that the fleet has fled. Location: Unknown." Said a soldier. "Very well, then prepare to activ..." said Dunret. "Sir, a huge energy flux was reported near the minotaur planet. We assume it was from the ...

Re: Adventure

I see the others kill the zombie's and run up to them and the portal. "Who are you?" I asked the lion. Meanwhile I started tinkering something together out of some things I had lying around in my pocket.


Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

"Hmmm... So you are under attack and the servitors are helping defend. Very well." said commander Danfter. He stepped into his ship and his men followed. A face popped up on Throk's cummunication screen. It was Dunret Sagret. "Greetings Throk. I have recieved info that you may need assistance in de...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Alexin's ship landed and he stepped out. He walked up to the captain of this devision. "Status report?" asked Alexin. "Squads Beta and Omega are advancing, but squads Alpha and Delta are pinned down. Assistance would be appreciated." replied the captain. "Right." said Alexin. He pulled out his snip...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[Still waiting for reply from atler about minotaur.] Alexin had completed his weapons and armor after a week of nonstop working. His ship was almost complete thanks to the fortress engineers. He had one mission before he set off to finish his business. His mission was to assist the assault on Canir...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

[No I didn't kill Hentaga. I ran away after the explosion. The battle fortress fleet is around the enemy's home planet. The other stuff doesn't matter. Sorry for the confusion. Oh, the energy signal for the fortress was the dead ship and for Hentaga was the fortress. Hentaga doesn't know what it is...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

It showed a human standing there. "Hello residents of desrephia." "What do you want?" "We found one of your scout ships near our premises and we wanted to contact you. It seems that this minotaur was shot to death. And there is a strange mark on him. We suspected you wanted to look at it." "Sir, We...

Re: Role Play - Sci Fi

Wot? I have a tracking chip implanted in me. "Uhh... where am I?" "Your back on the battle fortress." "Really?" "Yes." "Is Hexar here?" "Yes, he is." "My weapons and armor?" "No. They are not." "Well I have a lot of work to do then. Can I go ma'am?" "Yes, you are all fixed up." "Ok." Alexin walked ...

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