Search found 7 matches

Re: Dacia VS AZG

yeah i mean ive started one myself unfortunately the planets ive attacked didnt have fleets or defences so i ended up just stealing res and doin no real damage

crs wap vs dacia

masamune vs chokie

The attacker has lost a total of 0 units.
The defender has lost a total of 4.827.550 units.
A debris field containing 1.073.430 units of Metal and 1.823.100 units

Re: Dacia VS AZG

you realise dacian you are not making your situation better by attacking those who can hardly defencd themsleves that is a bullies tactic engaging the weak and those unable to defend themselves feel my rightous wrath destroy planet after planet of yours in the future and no that is not an idle threa...

Re: Dacia VS AZG

i am the leader of the newly founded alliance wap i have honoured my agreement to this war for the nap with azguard. if wanted i will keep fighting THE DACIAN SCUM SHALL BOW those without honour are worth nothing at all and im sure that we will teach them this valuable lesson maybe not today or tomm...

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