Search found 12 matches

Re: The only piece of evidence...

Definantly money or religion cause war. I agree that power is as well but that falls under the umbrella of money. Money is anything from land to women to minerals, anything that has anysort of value=money. Google Zeitgeist: Addendum And in this country i have noticed that we are nothing more than sl...

Re: The only piece of evidence...

Fist let me say thanks for your service and I have friends who have been to Iraq. They have had to kill women with guns and people digging on the side of a road. Only to find out that they were digging a hole for an election sign. Its all tragic. Second, regardless of what happened on 9/ sig...

The only piece of evidence...

The only piece of evidence that, I think, is irrefutable evidence that the Gov't lied about what happened on 9/11. It almost seems to obviouse that this was an inside job...Look... :shock: This is a pic of some engineers putting explosives on a building to be imploded. Notice the angle at which thes...

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