Search found 31 matches

Re: it is what it is

I'm in a similar boat as Criticalmass. I'm not a particularly good player but I do find myself in agreement with what Gump said. I've been crashed before, forgot to send a congratulatory message for the last one actually; now that I think of it congrats PK for the hit back in January (small though i...

Re: Future of Zorg

I'm actually going to agree with Gump on this one. While I think that some sort of loss from moon destruction missions makes sense, I don't think that there's really anything wrong with the way things are. There is no way to guarantee that your fleet is safe, frankly I think it should be that way. T...

Re: 7th Cavalry

Due to a lack of interested volunteers and some other circumstances,the 7th Cavalry has disbanded. Corb and I have gone our separate ways, he is now with Bananas in Pajamas led by Gale and I am in Azguard.

7th Cavalry

Currently accepting new recruits. I'm an old player returning from an extended leave of absence and will give whatever knowledge I can to less experienced players. However, the 7th Cavalry is not an elementary school. We will not hold your hand, we will not help you in petty disputes, and we will no...

Leaving Zorg

I've been around a few months, taken some hits and made a few. It's been a lot of fun gentlemen. However, I'm going to have to put the fun on hold for a while because I need to own up to some of my actions and poor decisions. I may be sharing a little too much, but I found out about a week ago that ...

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