Search found 11 matches

Fleet Saver

hello I just had a few questions. I hope someone can answer it for me

What is fleet saver?
What does it do?
How do I use it?


What si the pourpose of expedition technology in the game. Is I send a fleet to explore outter space what can come out of it. Also how many ships do I need to send?

Re: Don't understand something

What do you mean by "Get one enemy probe while you're building and you instantly become a smorgasboard for cheap resources."

Do you mean that all everything I build on the planet will be destroyed?

And how many solar satelittes is exactly a lot. Is 50 enough?

Don't understand something

Hello I was reading the reaserch for the gravitation field in there it had this line

"Out of all of the technologies to research, this one carries the most risk of detection during the phase of preparation."

What does it mean by that?

How to take over another planet

Hello how do I take over another planet?

For an active player after I destroyed everything do I send a colony ship there?
What if the other planet is that of an inactive palyer who has'nt build anything but 3-4 buildings how do I take over a planet like that?

Attacking other players

Hello I wanted to attack this player but when I tried to send my spy drones the message below pooped up what does it mean can someone please explain

You CANNOT attack this Player (Protection up to x5 or down to 1/5 of your points till 10k).

also when can I attack this player?

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