This could also go with the whole "Galaxy Names" topic (link below).
The galaxies each have a different primary color. After you click on the solar system/name/other item that's interactive for that galaxy (with listed name and corosponding number), you then go to a page with another colorful galaxy-type interactive wallpaper designed around the primary color of the galaxy you chose. On different areas of the page, you'd have a few options. Systems 1-100, 101-200, 201-300, 301-400, 401-499. After the option chose, you can then go to another page to specify which system your looking for (like the current galaxy page).
Once the system is chosen, you'd go to a page that shows 15 planets total orbitting around a star/sun in the middle with an option menu on the side of the planets (like the current galaxy page) that displays mission titles: probe, missile launch, message, etc. with the players name, and planet name above the planet. If the planet is not colonized, the words "empty" would appear where the player's name would be in a different color.
Here's an example, searching for one of my own planets:
STEP ONE: Click a galaxy. Example: Choose G6, Oros.

STEP TWO: Click a system.

STEP THREE: Select a mission. (I only added a few options obviously...)

Obviously there won't be different graphics for every system/planet. It should be randomized yet repeated like our planet graphics are currently. I beleive that this'll add a ton of character to the game and make searching for targets much more fun . Pluse, the one-click interaction shouldn't slow down search time from clicking the current arrows or typing in numbers like we have now. Comments?