Fleet down and roamer sent. Sim in Massacre ***** as per normal and seems I got the 1 in 10 negative outcome...but all good in the end....
Attacker Loss: 502.560.000 Defender Loss:6.414.794.000
winnings Metal:79.875.399 Crystal:29.641.316 Deuterium:25.904.335
Debris Metal:2.196.536.400 Crystal:1.953.876.000
d/f collected
Re: Jackal (HC) v Noob (ToD) TD: 6,917,354,000
#2Good job, very nice numbers.
I was gonna go after him myself with my 2k LC's but you beat me to it lol
GLoTR Noob!
Gratzz Jackal
I was gonna go after him myself with my 2k LC's but you beat me to it lol
GLoTR Noob!
Gratzz Jackal

Re: Jackal (HC) v Noob (ToD) TD: 6,917,354,000
#3Nice. Hit sprog. glotr Dennis
That's pretty much the war over there's only one left active
That's pretty much the war over there's only one left active
Re: Jackal (HC) v Noob (ToD) TD: 6,917,354,000
#4Only one left? Well, that was shortlived, for all their bluster. lol