First off like to apologize to mega for 'using' you,by that i had use other forms of deception to obtain this hit.I pushed mega out knowing full well Deidara would seek em out to try and get me.Yes yes i am a selfish bastage once in awhile but i had to use aggression upon itself to nab the cautious player and one of the best competitors chosen has seen in many years.So with that i tip my cap cause enemies are what make the game fun to play..especially for fleeters.
I had received word eons ago that he was trying to make ton of LF's ..after hours of sims i said screw it..its gonna be a big d@mn mess no matter how ya slice it so i had to start working on recs to make sure i at least recovered a larger share of the mess then Deidara.Today at work i notice mega probbing my fleet where he had found a way into my fav FS hole.Not sure how that happened (ZzzZzz) but it did.So watching i see suicides coming..had to sneak a colony ship out to next door and hope noone would notice thru all the ships on my moon that 1 colony ship was missing.The suicides was recalled..did i mess up i wonder?(boss yelling in back ground i say 'chill' a moment)So i see a next set of suicides inc followed by an acs..yep i thinks good call sending a ship next door(now to hope he didn't see it on galaxy view).I see deidara join in and log times and had to wait..and wait..and wait.Meanwhile my trusted life friend Rob is like what where when'n me to death.
I then fill em in..set dodge for suicides waited for the acs recalls...seen when Deidara pulled out ruby mooned next door sent res and then the god d@mn it happens..i forgot to make depots for the acs Rob let his go i sent mine at what i figured to be 1 second to early or same time..double D@mn i says but i let it go thru anyhow..with over 900k recs to hit shortly after knew our loses was covered.
Anyhow thats the story line ..Tip of the Cap mate as you been a royal pain in the @ss but you was gracious in defeat..a serious applaud for that and see ya on the return.
The attacker has won the battle !
Winnings: 0 0 0
Attacker Loss: The attacker has lost a total of 13.295.926.400 units.
Defender Loss: The defender has lost a total of 25.574.670.900 units.
Debris Field: 12.204.441.480 11.117.916.900
You collect; 5.016.810.000 units of Metal and 5.016.810.000 units of Crystal.
You collect; 3.187.631.480 units of Metal and units of Crystal.
Rob covered me on rest
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#2Well done mate!
So this ends the lord shadow era.
Schnitter better go back into (V)! Lol
So this ends the lord shadow era.
Schnitter better go back into (V)! Lol

Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#3Yea man it was interesting. We have had long talks in the past even saying that if you got me then congrats. I'm not quitting and you did good.
I had suspected foul play on your part but thought nothing of it. I didn't expect chuck to back stab to your side though.
All in all it was a good chace and can't wait for the next one. Good job in the hit. Good hit ill be back.
Keep that mouth harry
I had suspected foul play on your part but thought nothing of it. I didn't expect chuck to back stab to your side though.
All in all it was a good chace and can't wait for the next one. Good job in the hit. Good hit ill be back.
Keep that mouth harry

Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#4After all we had been through, you can just use a friend like that?-Death- wrote:First off like to apologize to mega for 'using' you,by that i had use other forms of deception to obtain this hit.I pushed mega out knowing full well Deidara would seek em out to try and get me.Yes yes i am a selfish bastage once in awhile but i had to use aggression upon itself to nab the cautious player and one of the best competitors chosen has seen in many years.So with that i tip my cap cause enemies are what make the game fun to play..especially for fleeters.

I am so done for a while...I am so mad right now, I don't even know what to say!!

“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
“One mark of a great soldier is that he fight on his own terms or fights not at all.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#5you really trusted gumppy after what he did to pk? dude when will you lot ever learn?
how ever that happened thats a big hit, hats off to your wickedness/shrewdness towards this game. ladies and gentlement thats all it takes to become best in ze
anyways gloter to diffender.. and this will be really hard for anyone to top gumppy in that server again.
how ever that happened thats a big hit, hats off to your wickedness/shrewdness towards this game. ladies and gentlement thats all it takes to become best in ze

anyways gloter to diffender.. and this will be really hard for anyone to top gumppy in that server again.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#6SPY wrote:you really trusted gumppy after what he did to pk? dude when will you lot ever learn?
how ever that happened thats a big hit, hats off to your wickedness/shrewdness towards this game. ladies and gentlement thats all it takes to become best in ze
anyways gloter to diffender.. and this will be really hard for anyone to top gumppy in that server again.
hmm was just talking bout that last night:/ how different would that server look today if i had picked Gozar instead of Pedro*edit that part out..tough ole bird**
Sometimes not letting people know is best ..i mean had he known he might have slipped up..this way i was able to use their aggression against them.
start thinkin all logical in a war game and heck it just takes all the fun out of it.
and this is a agreed upon by both parties so don't block the CR ... 760875cc85
Last edited by -Death- on Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#7dont tell me he died .... i just heard yesterday he was recovering.... this cant be ... can u please clarify?-Death- wrote:Pedro(may he rest in peace)
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#8i just received a phone call that my previous info on this matter was incorrect,he is okSPY wrote:dont tell me he died .... i just heard yesterday he was recovering.... this cant be ... can u please clarify?-Death- wrote:Pedro(may he rest in peace)
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara 38,870,597,300 reverse lanx
#9good lord man... u almost put me on rest in peace list...
anyways about ur hit... thats a massive td on both sides... that is a 6,656,118 REC job hit.
thats a massive cost to bare if the distance is more than one system hop ... it wd take 258,121,117 deut to reach one system away... considering the profit it looks not much.
but my question is how much deut stash do a player has around for any hit? this hit sorta makes me wonder how long is a resonable wait for elite recs... they should be reality already.
anyways about ur hit... thats a massive td on both sides... that is a 6,656,118 REC job hit.
thats a massive cost to bare if the distance is more than one system hop ... it wd take 258,121,117 deut to reach one system away... considering the profit it looks not much.
but my question is how much deut stash do a player has around for any hit? this hit sorta makes me wonder how long is a resonable wait for elite recs... they should be reality already.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.
Re: BooBerry VS Deidara
#10Very nice hit as it is...
I dun wanna enter yo' "family fights" but the 'deception' part made it a reall great hit if you ask me...
I dun wanna enter yo' "family fights" but the 'deception' part made it a reall great hit if you ask me...
“Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself.” -Rumi