I.B. vs BR13

Due to a certain BR13 member who acts and behaves a total P***k and has stupid planet names that could be offence to younger members of ZE let alone any female players.. I have spoken to the crew and they feel the lack of activity could be improved with a WAR..

So with this in mind I.B. are declaring War on BR13.. I will be in touch with their leader to discuss the terms, either in TD. or time.. One condition however is the offending player changes his planet names (to non offensive ones ).

Please do not post CR's here I will start a separate post for CR's Later.. after the statutory 24hrs notice.
Last edited by Gozar on Tue Nov 30, 2010 10:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: I.B. vs BR13

Interesting, could be some nice bangs here. I am pretty surprised no one has reported those names already though, and if they have, that the admins have let them stay..

Good luck to both sides.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...

Re: I.B. vs BR13

All Planets have been changed per request of Zorg. Gozar you just mad you couldnt get me banned again, if you cant win you cry like a baby. You can attack me all you want, as I will attack you all the time. I will keep on you 24/7 within rules till we can come to a truce of you never probing me again if you cant play with me without just trying to find ways to get me baned

Re: I.B. vs BR13

Hhm this can be the most interesting even in 2010. IB, without doubt have big fire power. But, BR13 I believe can give a good fight. I wish everyone can have fun at the end it just a game.

Re: I.B. vs BR13

xxxx wrote:All Planets have been changed per request of Zorg. Gozar you just mad you couldnt get me banned again, if you cant win you cry like a baby. You can attack me all you want, as I will attack you all the time. I will keep on you 24/7 within rules till we can come to a truce of you never probing me again if you cant play with me without just trying to find ways to get me baned
nuff' said for me....Let the game begin. :twisted:


Re: I.B. vs BR13

xxxx wrote:All Planets have been changed per request of Zorg. Gozar you just mad you couldnt get me banned again, if you cant win you cry like a baby. You can attack me all you want, as I will attack you all the time. I will keep on you 24/7 within rules till we can come to a truce of you never probing me again if you cant play with me without just trying to find ways to get me baned

Let me see you do this to everyone who probes you...? So you can't play fare you result to dirty underhanded tricks. Like you have stated above.. You then compound your actions with insults.. Then you wounder why you have brought this upon your alliance.. No truce for players who think sending 150 probes a day 15 attacks of 27hrs of 1 large cargo and 1 recycler.. Just so no one probes you what pathetic game play..and now all of ZE can see what you are , you have stated it yourself.. You bring shame on any alliance you are in.

No more words Let the war begin and may be you will see this type of game play will not be tolerated.

Re: I.B. vs BR13

Whoa everything goes to the sh*tsty whenever I vm it seems lol, at least though there will be interesting things for the ZE community to talk about going on though, eh?

It may have been missed that BR is an alliance for lulz and profit, not wars, but whatever its all in the game.

Sorry to say that I am too busy to be involved in this war much if at all, but I'll try my best to get a few days in, best parts of the game are playing with the biggest players, and it seems a lot of players forget that one.
Gozar2 wrote:Terms sent 30 days or a total TD of 20 Billion which ever arrives first..lol
I think however that DF wars may be more fun if someone would ever do em, if fun is your goal here, as it puts players searching for the profits in the others, kind of making a mono-e-mono style war of skill more than random def bashes

Gozar2 wrote:Have kicked off with the p***k responsible for this War..
Lets calm down mate, this is a game, no need to call people a "prick". As well, he never declared any war and thus is not responsible for one.
Gozar2 wrote:My the best alliance win..
Let's go with this one, though the dis-proportionate fleet sizes will make it very tough for BR players to be the aggressors in the war.

Have fun everyone.
Death begins with life's first breath, and life begins at the touch of death.

Re: I.B. vs BR13

This is the war section, so I'll allow an acceptable amount of flaming; just don't let your heads get wedged up there.

And in case it wasn't clear, this goes for both sides.
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: I.B. vs BR13

should b good...br13 in chat smack talking ~IB~,mainly wildlive and dc...i copyed what they said just in case they read this and deny it lmao...wow they said br13 will own ~ib~...i dont c it but o well let the combat reports show it
what makes a man a man,is not how he starts stuff....but how he finishs it