Re: Your largest planet.

Biggest: 595
Smallest: 191 [Terra 6]
Coldest: From -84°C to -44°C [3 of them actually]
Hottest: From -2°C to 38°C atm but i had 86°C to 140°C

PS: Posting here cause those are archived threads. gets u warning for grave digging.
Barbaric nomad causing P-A-I-N.

Re: Your largest planet.

Biggest: 464 (do you even need more? I've used 40%)
Smallest: 182 (too lazy to abandon it)
Coldest: From -100°C to -60°C (impossible to get colder)
Hottest: From 86°C to 126°C (not the hottest possible, but still up there)
Forum Administrator
Noblesse Oblige 77 MP

Re: Your largest planet.

Weresloth wrote:Biggest: 464 (do you even need more? I've used 40%)
Smallest: 182 (too lazy to abandon it)
Coldest: From -100°C to -60°C (impossible to get colder)
Hottest: From 86°C to 126°C (not the hottest possible, but still up there)
Beat you by 1°C, do I win for temp? :P
That 139 is with Terra 6 too, so that's uhh, 99 fields I think?

SS the 599 field planet! From what I've seen before it seems the cap for planet size could be 600? Never seen a 600 though.
When people ask me plz because it's shorter than please, i feel inclined to respond no because it's shorter than yes...